Makes plain text and Todoist work better together. Powers up your template game.

The Taskbone UI extension is for everyone who likes to structure their thoughts in plain text or needs some more templating options for Todoist.

Activate the Taskbone Extension for Todoist

By using the extension you accept the Terms of Service and acknowledge the Privacy Policy.

You can write down your tasks in plain text like this:

Grocery Shopping:
  - Buy fruits
  - Pick up milk
  - Get vegetables
  - Grab snacks
  - Remember eggs

Home Renovation:
  - Research interior design ideas @prio(1)
  - Create a budget plan @due(tomorrow)
  - Hire a contractor
  - Purchase materials @shopping
  - Schedule demolition

And have them imported into Todoist as tasks and projects.

This follows the TaskPaper format, which is a simple and popular way to write down tasks and projects as plain text.


Import a TaskPaper file and let Taskbone create tasks and projects in Todoist based on the text.

Screencast of import

Advanced options

Use TaskPaper notation to assign labels, due dates and priorities to tasks.

- this is a task with some labels @taskbone @productivity
  - this is a subtask with a due date @due(2023-12-31)
    - this task is very urgent! @prio(1)
    - labels can also be added like this @tags(label1, anotherLabel, oneMoreLabel)
- this task has it all @taskbone @due(tomorrow) @prio(3)

Dynamic templates

Use the liquid template language to make the templates more dynamic.


{% assign repetitions = 10 %}
{% assign due = "2023-10-01" %}

- this task has 10 subtasks
{% for i in (1..repetitions) %}
    - do the thing ({{ i }}/{{ repetitions }}) @due({{due | plusDays: i}})
{% endfor %}

This template will create the following tasks:

Result of liquid

Learn more about liquid templates.

Maintain project templates in Todoist

With the Taskbone extension you can use task descriptions as templates and create projects and tasks based on it.

Task with TaskPaper content Screencast of import


Export your projects as TaskPaper, Markdown, or Todo.txt, so you can use them outside of Todoist or use them as templates later.

Screencast of export

Activate the Taskbone Extension for Todoist

By using the extension you accept the Terms of Service and acknowledge the Privacy Policy.